years-experience access-alumni-network airfare airport-pick-up assistance-with-application-process community-service-placement continuous-support cultural-trips domestic-transport emergency-support field-trips global-competence-certificate grade-transcripts host-family-placement housing individual-contact-person internship-placement language-instruction meals medical-insurance orientations-during-your-time-abroad other pre-departure-orientation product-materials re-entry-orientation school-dipolma school-materials school-placement school-transport school-uniform stipend teaching-materials vaccinations visa-and-passport-fees visa-application-assistance world-wide-presence


Dette projekt tilbydes i samarbejde med organisationen GVI og nedenfor kan du læse deres beskrivelse af programmet:

Our volunteers play an integral role in impacting the lives of girls and young women, addressing gender-specific health challenges, and advocating for equality.

Key components of the program are:

Health education and advocacy:

Volunteers assist with developing and delivering health education sessions, with the goal of empowering girls and young women. They lead awareness campaigns on gender-specific health issues, ensuring widespread information. They also help facilitate access to health resources to support well-informed decisions about well-being.

Community engagement and capacity building:

Collaboration is at the core of our program. Volunteers collaborate with local health clinics and community leaders to address health challenges. Through workshops and discussions, they empower girls and young women, fostering community unity. Building relationships within the community is a commitment to comprehensively understanding and addressing health needs.

Personal and professional development:

Beyond community impact, our program offers volunteers an opportunity for personal and professional growth. Immersed in the intersection of health and gender in a developing country context, they gain valuable insights. The program also provides skills in health education, project management and community outreach, enhancing cross-cultural communication and adaptability in diverse environments.

Participants are encouraged to explore projects beyond their main focus, spanning areas like gender equality, social justice, STEM/Tech education, early-years education, student mentoring, healthcare awareness and environmental capacity building. Overseeing around 50 projects annually, our goal is to ensure a well-rounded and impactful engagement.

Aligned with UN SDGs 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10, our activities contribute to global goals such as ending poverty, hunger, improving health, promoting gender equality and reducing inequalities.

Nanna har været på dette program, læs om hendes oplevelse HER.


You can also choose to focus on working with children in Ghana on the project Work with children in Ghana.


Bestil brochure

Vil du vide mere om vores sabbatårsprogrammer?

HER kan du læse mere om ansøgningsprocessen, din interkulturelle forberedelse, hvilke kompetencer du får, rejsebreve fra vores deltagere,  aktuelle tilbud, hvordan du mixer dit eget program og meget mere.


  • Programtype
    • Volunteering
  • Sted
  • Program for individuelle eller grupper
  • Program highlights
    • Contribute towards sustainable empowerment initiatives in Ghana for girls and young women
    • Meet participants from across the world, developing your cross cultural skills.
    • Explore Ghanaian culture and discover West Africa's hidden, historical gems.
    • Develop your confidence, teamwork, leadership and leadership skills.

Hvad er inkluderet i programmet

  • Indkvarteringsform
  • 24/7 nødkontakt
  • Måltider
  • Hjælp til ansøgningsprocessen
  • Global Competence Certificate
  • Løbende støtte og support
  • Orientering før afrejsen
  • Orientering efter hjemkomsten
  • Du bliver en del af hele AFS netværket
  • Verdensomspændende organisation
  • 70 års erfaring
  • Afhentning i lufthavnen
  • Hjælp til visumansøgning
  • Fuld sygeforsikring
  • Kulturelle udflugter
  • Teaching Materials
  • Project Materials

Hvad skal du selv sørge for?

  • International transport (fly)
  • Visum og pas gebyrer
  • Vaccinationer