Dette projekt tilbydes i samarbejde med organisationen GVI og nedenfor kan du læse deres beskrivelse af programmet:
On this program, participants will work directly with local women and female students of all ages, via various engaging projects in the traditional fishing communities of Ghana’s Gulf of Guinea coastline. GVI’s projects in Ghana help these women to learn practical vocational skills, such as IT literacy, English language, business management, curriculum vitae writing, financial planning and more. Participants will assist in delivering practical workshops and ensuring that GVI helps deliver on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: UN SDG #1, No Poverty; SDG #5, Gender Equality and SDG #10 Reduced Inequalities.
Based in the lively and enchanting beach-side village of Kokrobite, your time and efforts will help the women of the community improve their self-determination, increase families’ and communities’ quality of life, and help women to meaningfully contribute towards increasing the general productivity as well as economic and social development of Ghana.
Nanna har været på dette program, læs om hendes oplevelse HER.
You can also choose to focus on working with children in Ghana on the project Work with children in Ghana.
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