years-experience access-alumni-network airfare airport-pick-up assistance-with-application-process community-service-placement continuous-support cultural-trips domestic-transport emergency-support field-trips global-competence-certificate grade-transcripts host-family-placement housing individual-contact-person internship-placement language-instruction meals medical-insurance orientations-during-your-time-abroad other pre-departure-orientation product-materials re-entry-orientation school-dipolma school-materials school-placement school-transport school-uniform stipend teaching-materials vaccinations visa-and-passport-fees visa-application-assistance world-wide-presence

OBS Dette projekt tilbydes i samarbejde med organisationen GVI og nedenfor kan du læse deres beskrivelse af programmet:

Thailand’s popularity among international visitors means that local employers often look for English language fluency when hiring local staff. As a volunteer teacher on this education program in Ao Nang, you have the opportunity to contribute to UN SDGs, #4 Quality Education, and #8, Decent Work and Economic Growth while developing your own teaching, leading, and teamwork abilities.

Volunteers on this teaching program in Thailand will live with other participants in the Karen village in Chiang Mai, an area renowned for its natural beauty. After a five hour introduction to methods used for Teaching English as a Foreign Language, TEFL, as well as training on Thai customs, classroom management, and lesson planning, volunteers will go on to assist local teachers with teaching conversational English classes.

Volunteers have the opportunity to teach a range of students, from those at a local kindergarten all the way up to primary school level, at a diverse range of institutions including formal government educational institutions and informal community centres. You might also get involved leading after school activities like art and craft sessions to develop the fine motor skills of children or sports lessons to develop their gross motor skills. Throughout the program volunteers will be able to observe classes being conducted by experienced teachers and receive regular feedback from TEFL our qualified staff.

You’ll work with local organisations on various educational initiatives, including teaching English, public health and gender equality workshops. This is an amazing opportunity to be invited into and work alongside an incredible community, who will deepen your understanding of Thai culture, expand your awareness, perspective and empathy, and encourage you to become a truly global citizen.




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Vil du vide mere om vores sabbatårsprogrammer?

HER kan du læse mere om ansøgningsprocessen, din interkulturelle forberedelse, hvilke kompetencer du får, rejsebreve fra vores deltagere,  aktuelle tilbud, hvordan du mixer dit eget program og meget mere.


  • Programtype
    • Volunteering
  • Sted
  • Program for individuelle eller grupper
  • Program highlights
    • Contribute to helping the communities improve their future opportunities
    • Experience a culture and a way of life that most tourists miss on the normal tourist trail
    • Learn how to cook Thai food and speak basic Thai

Hvad er inkluderet i programmet

  • Indkvarteringsform
  • 24/7 nødkontakt
  • Måltider
  • Hjælp til ansøgningsprocessen
  • Global Competence Certificate
  • Løbende støtte og support
  • Orientering før afrejsen
  • Orienteringer undervejs i opholdet
  • Orientering efter hjemkomsten
  • Du bliver en del af hele AFS netværket
  • Verdensomspændende organisation
  • 70 års erfaring
  • Afhentning i lufthavnen
  • Lokaltransport
  • Hjælp til visumansøgning
  • Fuld sygeforsikring
  • Kulturelle udflugter
  • Project Materials

Hvad skal du selv sørge for?

  • International transport (fly)
  • Visum og pas gebyrer
  • Vaccinationer