years-experience access-alumni-network airfare airport-pick-up assistance-with-application-process community-service-placement continuous-support cultural-trips domestic-transport emergency-support field-trips global-competence-certificate grade-transcripts host-family-placement housing individual-contact-person internship-placement language-instruction meals medical-insurance orientations-during-your-time-abroad other pre-departure-orientation product-materials re-entry-orientation school-dipolma school-materials school-placement school-transport school-uniform stipend teaching-materials vaccinations visa-and-passport-fees visa-application-assistance world-wide-presence

Dette projekt tilbydes i samarbejde med GVI og nedenfor kan du læse deres beskrivelse af projektet:

Cimarrones is a small, rural town in Cartago, which is a small and peaceful province located in the central valley of Costa Rica, bordering the provinces of San José and Limón. It is a visually stunning province with a cool climate and 8 cantons teeming with vast sugar cane fields, extensive coffee plantations and rich farm lands. Cartago was formerly the capital city of Costa Rica until 1823, when the capital was changed to San José, making it the wealthiest province in colonial tradition.

This program will involve some teaching mainly in a local high school and a local elementary school.

Local High School:
This is a brand new high school with 44 students but only 1 teacher. Our participants will assist with English language lessons, mathematics/numeracy, computer skills (contingent on them getting funding for some computers in the next few months), and sports/wellness/wellbeing

Local Elementary School:
In the local elementary school (grade 1-6) participants will assist with English language lessons for the students, and ideally with English lesson planning/instruction for the teachers as well if capacity allows.

Furthermore the participants will collaborate with the teachers to improve their English language proficiency and to create a sustainable solution by teaching the teachers how to plan lessons for English language. This will largely be a supporting role to help them establish consistent lesson plans and be more effective when we don’t have a steady stream of volunteers during the low-season.


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Vil du vide mere om vores sabbatårsprogrammer?

HER kan du læse mere om ansøgningsprocessen, din interkulturelle forberedelse, hvilke kompetencer du får, rejsebreve fra vores deltagere,  aktuelle tilbud, hvordan du mixer dit eget program og meget mere.


  • Programtype
    • Volunteering
  • Sted
  • Program for individuelle eller grupper
  • Program highlights
    • Gain experience teaching younger students.
    • Develop soft skills like teamwork and leadership.
    • Immerse yourself in the pura vida lifestyle of Costa Rican.
    • Surf, swim, or relax on the many beaches.
    • Learn Spanish.

Hvad er inkluderet i programmet

  • Indkvarteringsform
  • 24/7 nødkontakt
  • Måltider
  • Hjælp til ansøgningsprocessen
  • Global Competence Certificate
  • Løbende støtte og support
  • Orientering før afrejsen
  • Orienteringer undervejs i opholdet
  • Orientering efter hjemkomsten
  • Du bliver en del af hele AFS netværket
  • Verdensomspændende organisation
  • 70 års erfaring
  • Individual Contact Person
  • Afhentning i lufthavnen
  • Lokaltransport
  • Hjælp til visumansøgning
  • Fuld sygeforsikring
  • Kulturelle udflugter
  • Teaching Materials
  • Project Materials

Hvad skal du selv sørge for?

  • International transport (fly)
  • Visum og pas gebyrer
  • Vaccinationer