Time passes fast I have been in Denmark for more than four months. Until now I can clearly remember the first day when I arrived Denmark. I am so nervous because this is my first time to leave my parents to a country with different cultures and people. Well the first day I arrived Denmark I was very tired and sleepy after Twelve hours of flight. I am very shy and just stayed quiet for a long time. Suddenly a German Exchange student started asking me some questions and i even fixed the word ‘opinion’ and ‘oppourtunities’ poor me :< . Then I met a lot of friends They are from all over the world , such as Nat from Thai and Soheil from France also Yuki from Japan. From that on I started talking to a lot of people. We also have fun activities with all exchanges students. Three days was fast, we hugged our friends and said goodbye we are off to our hosts.
When I get off from the bus I am nerve-racking because I have never met my host family I am affraid they do not like me and may stop hosting me. They were very nice to me , the kind face just heal my cold and fearness.After some short period of time we head straight home When We are home I thought I will be living in a big house with two floors and my own room, but It came out that I sleep in a little room with my host brother Tobias.
I live in Vodskov a little town near Aalborg in North jutland. There is four people in my family , my host Mother Tina, My host brother Tobias and my host father Peter who live with me. My host mother is a dagplejer, which help parents that are not free to look after their children during work. She has five kids to look after and they are very cute and lovely. My host father is a worker in a laundry shop. My host brother is a worker in a convenience store . They are really sweet to me but I am still missing a thing , that is a good school an a bunch of friends. Also my family has many kids, which I like most is Kasper, he plays a lot of games and taughy me a lot of Danish. We always spend our weekends at
their places. After a week of waiting, I finally received some news from my school Nørresudby gymnasium.
Min danske skole
I am a bit afraid of a new environment, 16/8 is my firstday of school. I arrived early to get myself familiar to the school, then i met the school council Marie and the headmaster. I was assigned to sit with my class 2A next to a kind man Magnus. ’Godmorgen’ The Headmaster said, the school year starts here and he introduced me to all of the students in the gymnasium. I met all of my class after that they are very nice to me and curious about my culture.Then thats the first dday of school, which makes me look forward to the future in the school. I met many friends and my classmates, they are sweet to me and I love my school.
Første fest
At 8/9 my school organized the first party. As this is the first school party of the year, many students participated so I made many many new friends. At first I thought it is a normal meeting with a fancy dinner and games, but actually is Drinking and Drinking more. We first had pre-party in one of our classmate’s house, we had pizza and make ourselves drunk there. Ogs mig 😉 Then we took a cab to the school party, it was a huge one with expensive beers 🙁 ! I have a super great time with my friends dancing and chatting and drinkkkkkkk.
Turen til Irland med klassen
It is lucky that i got in to ’Anden G’ so I can have a trip abroad, our class was going to Ireland. This is my first time to go abroad or a trip with my class, I am so excited about that. We sightsee in Dublin and Belfast, we visit musuems and historical parks. The mai part of the trip is drinking, since Danish teachers are openminded compared to the teachers in Hong Kong, we got the chance to drink and party also hygge a lot in the city, although it is only a few days, but the relationship between me and my friends has gained a lot!
Jul og nytår
Christmas in Denmark is really interesting. It is totally different from Hong Kong. Here in Denmark Christmas startsthe first of December. A main part of It is julekalender. It is a Tv show every night. We also have julecalender with many pieces of choclate in. Lastly it can also be a scratch-off, which I am soo close to the huge prize:( . The day before Christmas, we made candies with marcipan, also we have a nice Christmas dinner with flæskesteg and ducks, they tasted fantastic! After the dinner we started dancing around the Christmas tree with many delight songs!
My birthday is close to meet year and Christmas so I hold a little fest ,my friends came and celebrate the great Day
Moreover, we ate Risalamande, if we have the almond in our bowl, we can get a special prize, but Tobias got it not me:<(.
The most important part came, that was opening Christmas gifts, I got only 5 , they are clothing stuff, but there are too much gifts for the kids, so it took 3 hours to finish it. After that long time, I go to bed very soon. New year is closed by, we bought a lot of fireworks and food! We fired a lot of fireworks to the sky, that was really fun to welcome the next year.
Friends time
I also enjoy the time here with my friends. This Program is a great opportunity to make new friends. We always hang out and go tour around Denmark , For example I have been to Skagen – ‘The northest city in Denmark ‘with my Italian friend Giacomo and My Canadian friend Antonie. We also cook food from our own countries, we share our cultures to each others
Time flies fast, I have already spent 6 months in Denmark, I met more and more new friends and I tried a lot of news stuff , I should treasure my time in Denmark!I really like Denmark and I would like to be here forever.
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