Giusy 17 år og kommer fra Italien. Hun er på udveksling i Danmark, men hun bor faktisk hos en værtsfamilie på Færøerne. Hun bor cirka 25 kilometer nord for Tórshavn. Hun kom til Danmark i begyndelsen af august, hvorfra hun fløj til Færøerne efter vejkomstlejren sammen med de andre udvekslingsstudenter. Her kan du læse hendes tanker og følelser om de første to måneder af sit udvekslingsophold.

I’ve been here for two months by now and I feel like time is flying.

Giusy sammen med sin værtssøster i et kunstgalleri, der udstiller en færørsk kunstner

I remember the first time I met my host family at the airport. I was a bit confused: leaving everyone I mostly care about, my town, my comfort zone; then the long travel full of anxiety and adrenalin, the first camp in Denmark with young people from all around the world and the final meeting with the people who would be my family for a year. Strange. That’s what I felt. I wasn’t sad, neither happy, everything was just unusual. But from the first moment, I felt I could trust them because they are really kind and always helpful and now I can say that I really feel part of the family.
That day, on the way home, I was really amazed by the breathtaking and incredible landscapes surrounding us. I was looking at the mountains reflected on the sea, the colorful houses sprinkled all around and the countless waterfalls from the car window. It was like being part of a stunning postcard, and I think I will never get bored to see that every day taking the bus to school.


Giusy er glad for sin klasse i gymnasiet

Here also the school is really nice, a new building, but what impressed me was the school system in general. The relationship between teachers and students is less formal and everyone feels in a relaxed climate.

Of course I’m not saying that these days have been all roses, there have been also some difficult moments, when you are not able to express what you feel, your worries, your thoughts or simply you don’t know how to behave to show who you really are. But these feelings are part of the game and really help you understand how to face problems, even the small ones, and not to avoid them.

Then I also learned that if something’s wrong, you can just ask and there will be always someone willing to help you.

Now my only hope is to live this fantastic experience at the best because it’s just started and I want to enjoy every single moment of it.

A year to never forget.