Lærke har været på projektet i Costa Rica, hvor hun har arbejdet med børn i juni og juli 2021. Hun var i den første gruppe af frivillige, der startede på den nye base i en lille by Cimarrones. Her kan du læse om hendes oplevelser:
I was lucky to be a part of the first group on the new GVI project in Cimarrones, Costa Rica. We have helped set up the project from the bottom, which has been great, because of the big impact we have had on the project from the very beginning.
The project contributes to the development of the community by teaching kids and women English and computer literacy. These skills are essential for job opportunities but unfortunately is there a lack of teachers with these competences in the population.
This project is great because of the amazing community we are living in and contributing to.
We decide ourselves which topics we want to teach and how we want to teach them. This personal touch makes all of the lessons exciting and we can really feel the joy from the community.
It has been wonderful to get close to this culture because of its hospitality, kindness and energy. There is a lot of support for the project from the community and we feel appreciated when we are together with the people here.
I have learned a lot by living in Costa Rica and it feels good to be able to give something back.
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