years-experience access-alumni-network airfare airport-pick-up assistance-with-application-process community-service-placement continuous-support cultural-trips domestic-transport emergency-support field-trips global-competence-certificate grade-transcripts host-family-placement housing individual-contact-person internship-placement language-instruction meals medical-insurance orientations-during-your-time-abroad other pre-departure-orientation product-materials re-entry-orientation school-dipolma school-materials school-placement school-transport school-uniform stipend teaching-materials vaccinations visa-and-passport-fees visa-application-assistance world-wide-presence

Dette program tilbydes i samarbejde med AFS i Filippinerne og nedenfor kan du læse deres beskrivelse af programmet:

The Philippines archipelago is known for its warm hospitality and diverse landscapes, and it provides an ideal setting for pursuing a university programme in your gap year. Among other fields of study, you can choose forestry, agriculture, communication, health care, and culinary arts.

You might live in the Calabarzon region, on the Luzon Islands or islands of Mindana.


Study communication:

Communication Arts program integrates the study of radio, television, print media, as well as other media through which information is transmitted. The program helps acquire and hone skills of students as a future media practitioners like writing for television, radio, newspapers, and websites; producing advertisements; and managing information campaigns.

Focus: television, Radio, Print, Theater, Film, Journalism, Public Relations, Event Management, Production (Pre, Post), the Developmental role of media in society

Learning Outcomes:

  • Introduction to media history, criticism, and theory;
  • Practical experience of media production;
  • Realities of Philippine mass media;
  • Challenge the students to explore the developmental role of media in society;
  • Exposure to social issues through service learning program.


Study health care:

Healthcare program teaches students the necessary skills and knowledge to care for the sick and injured. The program revolves around the following components: health promotion, disease prevention, risk reduction and health restoration.

Focus: Nursing, Physical Therapy, Midwifery, Medical Technology, Pharmacy, Biology, Nutrition

Learning Outcomes:

  • A learning experience in the field of healthcare;
  • Community immersion relevant to the profession;
  • Exposure to social issues through service learning program.

About this type of programme: 

When you choose a long-term  programme like this, you commit yourself to getting to know the culture of the country where you are going to. Studying will take considerable time, but you will also have lots of time to explore the area around you, to meet with the locals, and get a deep sense of their values and way of living. Through this programme, you are allowing yourself time to truly integrate, become a part of the local community and get a daily life that is very similar to the one of the local people around you.

When it comes to your area of study, there are many possibilities to choose from. AFS Philippines has a network of over 150 universities in many different regions of the country, and they will match you with the one best suited for you.


On this programme, you should not expect to be surrounded by other international volunteers. They might be in the same country on the same programme, but maybe not at the same university, or even not in the same city. You will meet other volunteers from time to time, but your primary contacts will be within the local community.


Host family is one of the closest people you will have while on programme – they will be your family, that might take you to Sunday lunches with the grandmother, but also can ask you to clean and cook, as they do. They might want to show you around their country and take you on trips, but they might also want you to come back home by 10 pm, if they ask the same of their children. You should expect that every host family is different and has their own rules and way of living. You can look forward to getting an intimate and a close insight into a life, that might be so completely different from yours.


Besides from your host family, you will have a local contact person, who will be your support with anything that you would need, from practical questions and needs, to cultural tips and advice.


Bestil brochure

Vil du vide mere om vores sabbatårsprogrammer?


HER kan du læse mere om ansøgningsprocessen, din interkulturelle forberedelse, hvilke kompetencer du får, rejsebreve fra vores deltagere,  aktuelle tilbud, hvordan du mixer dit eget program og meget mere.


  • Programtype
    • Study Abroad
  • Sted
  • Program for individuelle eller grupper
  • Program highlights
    • Experience a unique blend of Eastern and Western culture
    • Study in English and improve your language skills
    • Meet students from another culture

Hvad er inkluderet i programmet

  • Indkvarteringsform
  • Indkvartering i værtsfamilie
  • 24/7 nødkontakt
  • Måltider
  • Hjælp til ansøgningsprocessen
  • Global Competence Certificate
  • Løbende støtte og support
  • Orientering før afrejsen
  • Orienteringer undervejs i opholdet
  • Orientering efter hjemkomsten
  • Du bliver en del af hele AFS netværket
  • Verdensomspændende organisation
  • 70 års erfaring
  • Individual Contact Person
  • Afhentning i lufthavnen
  • Hjælp til visumansøgning
  • Fuld sygeforsikring

Hvad skal du selv sørge for?

  • International transport (fly)
  • Lokaltransport
  • Visum og pas gebyrer
  • Vaccinationer