years-experience access-alumni-network airfare airport-pick-up assistance-with-application-process community-service-placement continuous-support cultural-trips domestic-transport emergency-support field-trips global-competence-certificate grade-transcripts host-family-placement housing individual-contact-person internship-placement language-instruction meals medical-insurance orientations-during-your-time-abroad other pre-departure-orientation product-materials re-entry-orientation school-dipolma school-materials school-placement school-transport school-uniform stipend teaching-materials vaccinations visa-and-passport-fees visa-application-assistance world-wide-presence
Dette projekt tilbydes i samarbejde med organisationen GVI og nedenfor kan du læse deres beskrivelse af programmet:
In Ghana, while many kids attend school, resources can be limited. On this volunteer program we work to tackle these challenges by providing support to classrooms and enhancing resources. We focus on areas like health workshops, English lessons, arts and playtime to enhance learning. Our main goal is to empower students with the tools they need to overcome any obstacles in their education.

Throughout the weekdays, you’ll be busy planning and leading educational sessions and extracurricular activities for local students. This contributes to enhancing school capacity and ensuring every student has access to engaging lessons. You’ll have the opportunity to work with students aged 4 to 18, focusing on non-curricular subjects in small groups or one-on-one settings. We handle projects both inside and outside the classroom, all while providing support rather than taking on a teacher’s role.

From contributing to improving the school environment and supporting local teacher training to organising classes, educational games and activities with students, you’ll engage in a number of activities at our local partner schools. As a participant, you’ll collaborate with GVI’s field team and our local partner organisations to identify areas where you can make a real impact and where your assistance is most needed by the local community at that time.

Weekends are yours to enjoy. You can visit the many local beaches and restaurants, take in the sites, or simply relax at base with your fellow volunteers. There are many activities to choose from such as trying your hand at cooking a local dish, learning how to surf or playing traditional instruments. Doing so not only gives you the chance to fully experience the culture of the Cape Coast region but also supports local businesses.


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Vil du vide mere om vores sabbatårsprogrammer?

HER kan du læse mere om ansøgningsprocessen, din interkulturelle forberedelse, hvilke kompetencer du får, rejsebreve fra vores deltagere,  aktuelle tilbud, hvordan du mixer dit eget program og meget mere.


  • Programtype
    • Volunteering
  • Sted
  • Program for individuelle eller grupper
  • Program highlights
    • Plan, design and deliver a range of classroom activities and lessons.
    • Gain experience supervising classrooms and mentoring students.
    • Work to advance the UN SDGs in education, and improve long term outcomes for the local community.
    • Help under-resourced local schools to improve their educational environments and enrich their curriculums.
    • Meet and live with participants from across the world while you immerse yourself in a West African community and learn about local cultures.

Hvad er inkluderet i programmet

  • Indkvarteringsform
  • 24/7 nødkontakt
  • Måltider
  • Hjælp til ansøgningsprocessen
  • Global Competence Certificate
  • Løbende støtte og support
  • Orientering før afrejsen
  • Orientering efter hjemkomsten
  • Hjælp til visumansøgning
  • Fuld sygeforsikring
  • Community Service Placement
  • Kulturelle udflugter
  • Teaching Materials
  • Project Materials

Hvad skal du selv sørge for?

  • International transport (fly)
  • Visum og pas gebyrer
  • Vaccinationer